Sessions with Nurlan Muratkali
Get deep-level insights and answers.
Apply them in your life.

  1. Personal session
  2. Year-long guidance
  3. Human Design session
Personal session
Solutions for:
  • Purpose
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Family
  • Other areas

2999 EUR

How it works:
In-person or online (via Zoom).
After payment confirmation, our manager will contact you to schedule the date and time.
Sessions usually take place within 2-10 days after payment.
You will fill out a form with your details and describe your request.

Duration: 1 hour.
Depending on the request, the time may be extended at Nurlan's discretion.
The price remains unchanged
Personal session with Nurlan Muratkali
Year-long guidance
Personal guidance and mentorship from Nurlan for a year (with extension).
In the language of energy information science, you will be present in the Teacher's energy field.

Price: 22 999 EUR for the first year. 18 799 EUR for every next year.

  • Attendance at all group sessions worldwide for a year, including access to online broadcasts (if available).
  • Three online meetings. More in emergency cases.
  • Two personal offline meetings.

Please contact us on Telegram if you're interested in Year-long guidance.
Human Design session
  • Identify your personal gifts and talents, strengths for self-actualisation.
  • Identify key points for business application.
  • Find the right time to start a new project.

1490 EUR

We will need to know your birth date, time, and place before the session. If you don’t know your exact birth time, we will contact you in advance for rectification (determining the most suitable time range)

How it works:
Online (via Zoom) or in-person in Moscow (upon request).
After payment confirmation, our manager will contact you to schedule the date and time.
Sessions usually take place within 2-10 days after payment.
You will fill out a form with your details and request.

Duration: 1 hour
Depending on the request, the time may be extended at Nurlan's discretion.
The price remains unchanged.
Human Design session